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Best practices for Kubernetes deployments

Kubernetes stands as the cornerstone for managing containerized applications, offering robust orchestration capabilities. Nonetheless, deploying applications on Kubernetes can be complex, requiring adherence to best practices to ensure efficiency, security, and reliability. This article outlines crucial best practices for Kubernetes deployments, with a special focus on leveraging Argo Rollouts for sophisticated deployment strategies.

Utilize namespaces for organization

Namespaces in Kubernetes enable logical partitioning of resources within a cluster, allowing teams to manage their environments—be it development, staging, or production—independently. This segregation enhances visibility and resource management, ensuring that different projects or teams do not encroach upon each other. By implementing resource quotas and role-based access control (RBAC) within namespaces, security and resource allocation are significantly improved, preventing any single namespace from monopolizing cluster resources.

Implement resource requests and limits

Establishing resource requests and limits for your pods is critical for sustaining cluster stability. Resource requests guarantee that a pod has the necessary CPU and memory to function properly, while limits prevent a pod from consuming excessive resources. This practice mitigates the risk of resource contention, where one pod could potentially disrupt the performance of others, thereby optimizing overall cluster performance.

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: example-pod



  - name: example-container

    image: example-image



        memory: "64Mi"

        cpu: "250m"


        memory: "128Mi"

        cpu: "500m"

Use configMaps and secrets

Dividing configuration data from container images by employing ConfigMaps and Secrets streamlines management and updates. ConfigMaps handle non-sensitive configuration details, while Secrets are reserved for sensitive data such as passwords and API keys. This clear delineation simplifies application maintenance and scaling since configuration modifications don’t require rebuilding container images.

apiVersion: v1

kind: ConfigMap


  name: example-config


  config.json: |


      "key": "value"


Health checks and readiness probes

Incorporating health checks and readiness probes is crucial for ensuring that services are functioning correctly and ready to manage traffic. Liveness probes verify if a pod is running smoothly and can restart it if necessary, whereas readiness probes indicate when a pod is prepared to accept traffic. Kubernetes utilizes these probes to manage pod lifecycle events, ensuring only healthy instances handle requests.

apiVersion: v1

kind: Pod


  name: example-pod



  - name: example-container

    image: example-image



        path: /healthz

        port: 8080

      initialDelaySeconds: 3

      periodSeconds: 3



        path: /ready

        port: 8080

      initialDelaySeconds: 3

      periodSeconds: 3

Adopt CI/CD pipelines

CI/CD pipelines automate building, testing, and deploying processes, leveraging tools like Jenkins, GitLab CI, and Kubernetes-native solutions such as Tekton to streamline workflows and ensure consistent deployments. These pipelines maintain code quality and expedite deployment by automating repetitive tasks and enabling early issue detection.

Monitor and log effectively

Effective monitoring and logging are vital for early issue detection and resolution. Tools like Prometheus for monitoring and Fluentd for logging offer valuable insights into application health and performance metrics. Monitoring tracks cluster and application performance, while logging aids in diagnosing and troubleshooting issues, ensuring smooth application operation.

Advanced deployment strategies with Argo rollouts

Argo Rollouts, a Kubernetes controller, enhances the deployment process with advanced strategies like canary and blue-green deployments. These strategies allow safer, more controlled application updates, reducing the risk of disruptions.

Canary deployments

In a canary deployment, a small user subset is directed to a new application version while the majority use the stable version. This approach enables monitoring of the new version’s performance and early issue detection without affecting all users. If stable, the rollout can gradually expand.

Blue-Green deployments

Blue-green deployments maintain two identical environments: one (blue) handles production traffic while the other (green) is prepared with the new version. Once validated, traffic switches from blue to green, minimizing downtime and deployment risk.

Progressive delivery

Argo Rollouts supports progressive delivery techniques, enabling teams to automate rollouts with features like traffic shaping and automated rollbacks. This facilitates real-time monitoring during deployments and quick recovery in case of failures.

Key Features of Argo Rollouts Integration

Custom resource definitions (CRDs)

Argo Rollouts introduces a new custom resource, Rollout, extending the standard Kubernetes Deployment object. This resource allows granular control over deployment strategies, including canary and blue-green, not available in default deployment settings.

Traffic management

Integrating with ingress controllers and service meshes, Argo Rollouts enables fine-grained traffic management. This includes weighted traffic shifting, where a percentage of traffic directs to the new version during a rollout, crucial for gradual changes and minimizing potential issues.

Automated rollbacks and promotions

Argo Rollouts can automate rollbacks and promotions based on real-time metrics. By querying external metrics providers like Prometheus, it assesses the new version’s health. If metrics indicate failure, it automatically rolls back to the previous stable version, ensuring high availability and reliability.

Analysis and metrics integration

Users can define AnalysisTemplates specifying metrics to monitor during a rollout. This feature ensures only well-performing versions are promoted by setting success or failure thresholds. Integration with various metrics providers enables comprehensive performance analysis during updates.

User-friendly dashboard and CLI

Argo Rollouts offers a user-friendly dashboard and CLI for managing rollouts. These interfaces simplify monitoring and controlling the deployment process, allowing developers to visualize rollout statuses and make informed decisions.


Adhering to these best practices ensures efficient, secure, and reliable Kubernetes deployments. Utilizing tools like Argo Rollouts allows for advanced deployment strategies, minimizing risks and enhancing application resilience. Embracing these practices not only improves operational capabilities but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within your team.

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