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Spam Testing with GlockApps: How to Check Your Sender Score

What Is Spam Testing and Why Is It So Necessary?

Every marketing professional today knows that the success of their email campaigns directly depends on the results of a spam test. But what does spam testing mean and why is it important at all?

Email spam testing is the process of testing your messages to make sure they reach the inboxes of your intended recipients and are not marked as spam. To understand how spam checking works and what its benefits are, read our article.

Spam testing typically involves the use of seed lists that mimic the behavior of email providers’ spam filters. It works by analyzing various elements of an email, such as the subject line, content, and attachments. Testing tools can estimate the likelihood of an email being marked as spam based on specific criteria, such as the inclusion of specific words or phrases, overuse of capitalization, or a high image-to-text content ratio.

By conducting regular spam tests, you can identify potential problems with your email campaigns and make the required adjustments to increase their chances of reaching the inboxes of your target recipients. This can include changing the content because you should always send users relevant, valuable, and personalized copy, as well as choosing the right subject line for your emails, and keeping an eye on the sender’s information to avoid triggering those unwanted spam filters.

What Is a Sender Score and How to Check It?

Email marketing may look too easy to implement, but only true experts know how much effort and knowledge it requires. It would seem that there is nothing complicated about delivering emails, but in practice, there are many factors involved, and one of them is the sender’s reputation.

Sender Score in email deliverability is like scoring email senders, which rates their reliability based on their past behavior. It’s a metric of how effective you are at delivering emails, which is extremely significant in determining whether or not your users will see them. It takes into account factors such as the frequency with which you send emails, the recipient’s interest in your messages, and whether your emails are flagged as spam.

Let’s look at a working example to see what it’s like. It’s quite simple: you send a test email to a certain number of test email addresses, and then you get a count of how many of them landed your letter in the inbox and how many ended up in spam and other folders.

Having a higher sender score means having better deliverability and a much higher chance of getting to the inbox, and if your rating is low, it can lead to being marked as spam or even having your emails blocked.

Fortunately, there is a reliable service called Inbox Insight from GlockApps where you can find out your Sender Score and all other metrics, which gives you a complete picture to understand your deliverability. Create a free account and get two precise spam tests, where you can monitor your IP Analytics with sender reputation, rDNS, and HELO to IP records. Dive into Domain Analytics and check if your domain has been blocklisted, also check that your DKIM signature and DMARC are valid. Test email deliverability with GlockApps and stay one step ahead of your competitors.

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