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Lua cheatsheet

Lua is a lightweight, fast, and versatile scripting language known for its simplicity and extensibility, making it popular for embedding in applications and game development.


if condition then
  -- code
elseif condition then
  -- code
  -- code


while condition do
-- use break to break end

for i = start, stop, step do
    -- code

for key, value in pairs(table) do
    -- code

    -- code
until condition


local x = 1
y, z = 2, 4

Tables / Arrays

table = {key1 = value1, key2 = value2, ...}
value = table[key]
table[key] = value
for key, value in pairs(table) do
    -- code

array = {element1, element2, ...}
value = array[index]
array[index] = value
length = #array

Arrays are a specific form of tables in Lua, often starting from index 1 and maintaining contiguous indices. Tables, on the other hand, can have non-numeric keys and non-contiguous indices, allowing for more flexible data structures.


function functionName(arg1, arg2)
    -- code

functionName(arg1, arg2)


-- comment
--[[ Multiline
     comment ]]

Lua is a lightweight, high-level scripting language known for its simplicity, flexibility, and efficiency. Designed to be embedded in applications, Lua offers a straightforward syntax that emphasizes readability and ease of use. It provides powerful features such as dynamic typing, automatic memory management, and first-class functions.

Lua’s versatility extends to various domains, including game development, where it has been used in popular games like World of Warcraft and Angry Birds. Its small footprint and fast execution make it ideal for resource-constrained environments, making Lua a popular choice for embedded systems and scripting tasks.

One of Lua’s standout features is its extensibility. It offers a C API that allows developers to integrate Lua seamlessly with other languages and frameworks. Additionally, Lua’s ability to define and manipulate functions as data makes it a powerful tool for implementing domain-specific languages and customizable scripting interfaces.

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