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OpenAI: ChatGPT-5 could arrive as early as summer 2024

ChatGPT-5 is slated for release as early as this summer. Will it mark a significant shift in our interaction with AI? Positioned to surpass the capabilities of GPT-4, the future language model for ChatGPT is currently undergoing intensive development and training within OpenAI’s laboratories. Here’s an overview of all that we currently know about this exciting development.

What is GPT-5?

GPT-5 stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer 5. It is a language model, meaning it is an artificial intelligence system capable of understanding and producing text, speech, code, or images based on textual data.

GPT-5 is the upcoming model from OpenAI. It is expected to significantly outperform GPT-4, which already had 175 billion parameters (adjustable variables that determine the model’s behavior). The exact number of parameters for GPT-5 has not been disclosed, but according to some estimates, it could reach one trillion! That’s quite something!

What is the possible release date of GPT-5?

OpenAI has continued its rapid progress in developing its large-scale language models (LLMs). GPT-4 was launched on March 14, 2023, just four months after the release of GPT-3.5, alongside ChatGPT. But what about their successor? According to sources close to the company, OpenAI could release GPT-5 as early as next summer. It appears that ChatGPT-5 is still in the training phase.

What will be the new features of GPT-5?

GPT-5 is expected to bring significant advancements compared to previous versions, including video support, reduced hallucinations, and enhanced personalization and modularity.

Video support

GPT-5 will be capable of processing video format in addition to text, speech, code, and images. It is expected to analyze and generate videos based on textual data.

To learn more, listen to Sam Altman’s podcast.

Reduction of hallucinations

GPT-5 is expected to be more reliable and accurate than previous models, avoiding the production of erroneous or invented responses (hallucinations). As someone who has used GPT, I have encountered some quite surreal responses from previous versions of GPT…

GPT-5 should be capable of verifying the accuracy of the information it generates by using external sources or referring to context. It should also be able to recognize and indicate its own uncertainties. This last point seems quite interesting.

Personalization and modularity

GPT-5 is expected to offer greater customization and modularity compared to previous models. Users will have the ability to select and combine features according to their preferences. This could include choosing the level of formality, creativity, or humor of the model, as well as assigning it a particular personality or style. Additionally, users will be able to connect the model to other tools or applications for enhanced functionality.


My conclusion will be brief; I’m simply eagerly anticipating this new version of GPT, and I’m excited to see the extent of its features and all that I can accomplish with it (although, I’ll have to wait and see about the price).

Recap of GPT’s evolution

  • GPT-1: Introduced in 2018.
  • GPT-2: Released in 2019.
  • GPT-3: Launched in 2020.
  • GPT-4: Rolled out in 2023.
  • GPT-5: Expected release in 2024.

GPT-5 is the fifth iteration of this model, which began with GPT in 2018, followed by GPT-2 in 2019, GPT-3 in 2020, and GPT-4 in 2023.

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