Image to Base64



Your can also drag and drop your images here

Base64 to Image

How to decode base64 to image online:

Just fill the "Base64 string" editor with your base64 string, and it will be automatically decoded into image
You can also browse a file by clicking on the "Browse Base64 File" button in order to decode a base64 string into an image.
Your image will be displayed, just click on your image to download it.

Base64 string

This tool allows you to convert image to base64 string, and also to convert base64 to image (JPEG, PNG, GIF).

How to encode image to base64 online:

Just click on the "Browse image" button to upload your image, and it will be automatically encoded in base 64. You can choice the format: base 64 string, URI, base 64 image (to embed your image in a web page), CSS code or JSON. It is up to you to see what is useful to you.

Online Base64 image encoder and decoder

Base64 encoding allows you to embed images right in your HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. Base64 encoded images become part of the html and displays without loading anything.

Base64 encoding images reduces the number of HTTP requests to download the webpage. With base64 encoding you save HTTP requests! When you need to load many small images, this increases the number of HTTP requests, in which case it may be interesting to convert the images to base 64. But it makes file sizes roughly 33% larger than their original binary representations.
With HTTP/2, this solution is less relevant, as the multiplexing decreases the impact of these HTTP requests.

This online tool allows to encode JPEG, PNG and GIF images in base64 format. You only need to upload your file image, which is automatically converted.

This utility also decodes the base64 string in order to retrieve the image as binary data (JPG, PNG and GIF formats).

About base64

Base64 is a binary-to-text encoding scheme, it encodes binary data in plain text, Base64 represents binary data in an ASCII string format.

Base64 allows to transmit the data without loss or modification of the contents. It is useful for protocols that expect ASCII data.

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jaimin-2021-11-02 06:48
please provide decode captcha code in c# of your software